Edict Systems Remote Access
Remote Access

Email Access

Outlook on the Web provides complete access to your email from any web browser. This service is available to all employees, works well on all devices, and is the recommended method for accessing email remotely.

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop allows you to access your workstation computer from outside the office. The remotely accessed computer behaves as though you are sitting directly in front of it and replicates the in-office experience completely. This service is only available to employees that have received management approval.

Follow these steps to configure and use remote desktop from your device:

Windows 10, Windows 11
Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows RT
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Other Windows Versions
Warning icon
Windows XP is obsolete, and Microsoft ended support for it in April 2014.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you upgrade to a more recent operating system.
Warning icon
Windows Vista is obsolete, and Microsoft ended support for it in April 2017.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you upgrade to a more recent operating system.
Warning icon
Windows 7 is obsolete, and Microsoft ended support for it in January 2020.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you upgrade to a more recent operating system.

Windows versions older than Windows XP, and Windows Server versions older than 2008, are not supported because they do not support RDP 7.0 and/or Network Level Authentication.

Newer versions of Windows Server are supported. Follow the instructions for the corresponding client:

  1. Ensure your computer meets the following prerequisites:
    • Windows XP Service Pack 3 is installed
    • 32-bit edition of Windows XP (x64 is not supported)
    • Remote Desktop Connection client supporting Remote Desktop Protocol 7.0 (or newer). You can verify this support by clicking the icon in the top-left corner and selecting About:
      Remote Desktop Connection System Menu Remote Desktop Connection About Dialog
      The Remote Desktop Connection client included with Windows XP does not support RDP 7.0. The latest version of the client can be downloaded from Microsoft's website.
    • Network Level Authentication (NLA) must be supported. This can be verified by viewing the About dialog in the Remote Desktop Connection client (see above). To enable NLA support, follow the instructions to enable CredSSP from Microsoft KB Article 951608. The computer must be restarted after applying the change.
    • The Edict Systems Certificate Authority needs to be added as a trusted root certificate authority. To do this, follow the instructions on the Edict Systems PKI website.
  2. Ensure your computer meets the following prerequisites:
    • Windows Vista Service Pack 2 is installed
    • Remote Desktop Connection client supporting Remote Desktop Protocol 7.0 (or newer). You can verify this support by clicking the icon in the top-left corner and selecting About:
      Remote Desktop Connection System Menu Remote Desktop Connection About Dialog
      The Remote Desktop Connection client included with Windows Vista does not support RDP 7.0. The latest version of the client can be downloaded from Microsoft's website, x86 (32-bit) edition or x64 (64-bit) edition. Download the edition that matches your Windows installation.
    • The Edict Systems Certificate Authority needs to be added as a trusted root certificate authority. To do this, follow the instructions on the Edict Systems PKI website.
  3. Ensure your computer meets the following prerequisites:
  4. Download this file and save it to your computer:
    RDP IconEdict Systems.rdp
  5. Browse to the file you saved, and launch it by double-clicking on the file.
  6. When Remote Desktop Connection appears, enter the computer name for the system you want to control in the Computer field:
    Remote Desktop Connection Window Remote Desktop Connection Window Remote Desktop Connection Window Remote Desktop Connection Window
  7. Change performance settings and set default user name (optional)
    1. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog, click on the Options button:
      Remote Desktop Connection Options Remote Desktop Connection Options Remote Desktop Connection Options Remote Desktop Connection Options
    2. Click on the Experience tab, select your connection speed, and modify any additional settings you want (or set it to auto-detect):
      Remote Desktop Connection Experience Tab Remote Desktop Connection Experience Tab Remote Desktop Connection Experience Tab Remote Desktop Connection Experience Tab

      Note: Unchecking "Persistent bitmap caching" will reduce performance

    3. If you have a slow Internet connection, you may want to reduce the quality of the color depth to improve performance. Click on the Display tab, and select a lower quality:
      Remote Desktop Connection Display Tab Remote Desktop Connection Display Tab Remote Desktop Connection Display Tab Remote Desktop Connection Display Tab
    4. Click on the General tab, and enter your logon name in the "User name" field. This will prevent you from needing to re-enter it each time you use this connection. Enter your logon name in the form of username@edictsystems.local:
      Remote Desktop Connection General Tab Remote Desktop Connection General Tab Remote Desktop Connection General Tab Remote Desktop Connection General Tab

      Note: Selecting "Allow me to save my credentials" will not work as expected. This feature has been disabled because it poses a security risk.

    5. If you made any changes, and/or you want to connect to this computer automatically when double-clicking on the file, click on the Save button.
  8. Click the Connect button to connect to the specified computer.
  9. If a message stating that "The publisher of this remote connection cannot be identified" appears, it is safe to check the Don't ask me again for connections to this computer checkbox, and click Connect:
    Unknown publisher message Unknown publisher message Unknown publisher message
  10. You will be prompted for credentials. Enter your user name in the form of username@edictsystems.local, and enter your password. Click OK:
    User credentials window User credentials window User credentials window User credentials window

    Note: Selecting "Remember my credentials" will not work as expected. This feature has been disabled because it poses a security risk.

  11. If a message stating that "The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified" appears, it is safe to check the Don't ask me again for connections to this computer checkbox, and click Yes:
    Unknown publisher message
  12. Because of limitations in the Windows XP Remote Desktop client, you may need to re-enter your user name and password more than once.
  13. If a message is displayed indicating that your computer doesn't support Network Level Authentication, then follow the steps in the prerequisite section (above) to enable it:
    NLA not enabled
  14. If a message is displayed indicating that an unexpected certificate was received, then add the Edict Systems Certificate Authority as a trusted root authority :
    Unexpected server certificate Unexpected server certificate
  15. If a message is displayed indicating that the connection failed because the "remote computer cannot be authenticated", then you need to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 :
    Unexpected server certificate
  16. If you entered all the information correctly (and you have been granted permission to use Remote Desktop), then you will be connected to the computer you specified.